Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Join the Party!

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Schools Out is an organisation working for equality in education for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people. On July 4th 2009 we are encouraging all teachers, other education staff and their supporters to march with Schools Out against homophobia in Britain ’s schools at the London Pride Parade.


According to a recent report by the charity Stonewall:

* Homophobic bullying is almost endemic in Britain's schools.
* Almost two thirds (65 per cent) of young lesbian, gay and bisexual pupils have
experienced direct bullying.
* Seventy five per cent of young gay people attending faith schools
have experienced homophobic bullying.
* Over half of lesbian and gay pupils don’t feel able to be themselves at school.
* Thirty five per cent of gay pupils do not feel safe or accepted at school.

Schools have a legal duty to tackle homophobic bullying. Under the Education and Inspections Act 2006, Head Teachers must identify and implement measures to prevent all forms of bullying, including homophobic bullying.

These measures can only be implemented effectively if LGBT teachers and other education staff themselves feel able to be fully out to pupils, staff and parents. So why is it that we all know many gay and lesbian teachers, but very few who are out at school, especially to their pupils?

The legacy of Section 28 continues to cause many teachers to feel unsafe about being out. But it is time to recognise that the law has changed for the better.

Did you ever ask yourself how it is possible that organisations like the Police and the Army have a much bigger presence at London Pride than any teacher’s organisation?

Why is it that gay, lesbian, bisexual and trans teachers have been making a difference to many students’ lives for decades but this fact is neither acknowledged nor celebrated? In fact, in the public eye, gay teachers don’t seem to exist!

At Schools Out we think a change is long overdue.

We are aiming to increase awareness of these issues and have lots of fun in the process at the London Pride Parade 2009. So come and support us to make a difference on the 4th of July 2009. Please respond to this e-mail to join the mailing list. Further details, including where and when to meet will be communicated nearer the date. Don’t miss the t-shirts, the music, the flyers and the banners…. see you on the 4th!

To learn more about the issues involved see the following websites:

Schools Out:

Stonewall-Education For All:

The full Teachers’ and School Reports, which present the findings of recent surveys on the subject of homophobia in schools, can be downloaded from Stonewall’s website.

Why should you care? Read these case studies: